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draft: by Ben Andersen • last updated: July 01, 2021
While there's many different genre's and sub genres of music out there today, a song that's mixed and mastered to perfection is worth its weight in gold when testing your audio system.
You may have just installed a new 4 speaker system and are looking to check the balance between the front and rear set. Or you may have just installed your first amp and subwoofer system and are looking to let that low frequency rumble.
Whatever your main goal may be, you'll want a song that's stood the test of time or is maximizing todays modern production technology to really let those new components shine.
While there's no definitive roadmap for the "perfect" song to test your system with, we've spent some time gathering some of our favorites for you here to use.
You may be known to open up your vehicle on the highway with the windows down and the classic rock playing loud. You might also be the listener who likes just sitting back and cruising around town appreciating the finer points of a well mixed song. Either way, and regardless of genre or sub-genre, a well mixed and mastered song can reveal a lot about the best settings for your system to optimize your overall listening experience.
If you typcially stick within one genre (say...Classic Rock), we'd recommend using one of the recommended songs in your genre to optimize your sound system's settings. You'll be setting yourself up for success across as many songs and artists as possible by using this method.
If your listening is more sparatic, we'd reccomend using one or more of the more modern songs in either the Modern Rock or Pop categories to optimize your sound system's setup. By doing this, you'll be setting yourself up for success by optimizing your system for a more modern sound. This in turn will cover more of your varied listening styles.
Each sound system will vary with how it's controlled. You'll want to make sure to use your manual(s) to make sure you're familiar with your system's individual adjustment settings. From there, using songs in the following guide, you can adjust your bass, trebile, front and rear, and left and right balance.
You may also have crossover settings on your subwoofer that you'll want to take advantage of too. You'll want to set the crossover settings in a way that's setting the perfect threshold for only the frequency range that your subwoofer will be reproducing from.
We hope this is a great guide for you to use when setting up your new or existing sound system to maximize your listening experience.
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