Customer Stories: 1965 Buick Special
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Customer Stories: 1965 Buick Special

Customer Stories: 1965 Buick Special

Bechara Charbel's 1965 Buick Special was acquired in June 2019 after spending years in static storage

The '65 Special has been completely restored to it's glory days (and even a bit beyond as Charbel likes to add!)

This list of renovations and add ons for the classic Buick is no small feat.

There's been upgrades to many areas of the car including power steering, power brakes, and sound insulation/proofing panels in floor.

Additionally, a headlights 'ON' warning buzzer, GPS tracking system, rear windshield defroster, shifter interlock, and a hood release inside cabin.

Also, a 4-way hazard flashers, a modern windshield wiper spray system, three bright LED lights in the trunk, and 3-point seat belts for the driver and front passenger.

Including ultra bright fog lights, third (high) brake lights, 2 light up with brakes, blink separately with turn signals, and a shifter-out-of-park warning buzzer with a red light.

Final additions including a rear air shocks for a better posture and smother ride, and top cap it off, a modern radio with AM and FM stations with the BUICK letters.

We wanted to thank Bechara Charbel for sending over his great '65 Buick Special to share with us and all of you!

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