Custom Autosound Reviews
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Custom Autosound Reviews

Custom Autosound Reviews

Product reviews are one of the most important factors that people take into consideration when purchasing a product online.  You are unable to see, touch, or hear the product before purchasing, so you rely on the opinions and information from previous customers.  We ask our customers to review both the products that they purchase, as well as the quality of service that they received.  We use this information to help us improve and improve the products that we sell.  Inevitably, you can't please all the people all the time, but we still reach out to our unhappy customers to see what we can do to help them and ensure that they feel good about purchasing from Classic Car Stereos.

Recently we did some research to check out the Custom Autosound reviews online for their USA-230, USA-630, and USA-740 radios across the internet.  We were somewhat shocked by the reviews that are out there on the web.  The information out there does not tell the same story that we see on a daily basis when selling Custom Autosound products.  This would bring us to three conclusions:

  1. We get the best Custom Autosound Radios and they purposely ship defective units to other companies
  2. Other companies selling Custom Autosound radios are not providing nearly the level of support that we are
  3. Customers are frustrated and just get online to rant and bash before contacting anyone about the issue

Let's analyze these to see the likelihood.

  1.  We get the best Custom Autosound Radios and they purposely ship defective units to other companies.
    In a way, we wish it were because it would mean that our supplier is going out of their way to sabotage our competition, but I don't think that is true. 
  2.  Other companies selling Custom Autosound radios are not providing nearly the level of support that we are.   
  3. At Classic Car Stereos, we try to provide a great customer experience.  What makes us different than many of the other classic car retailers is the fact that we know and understand car audio.  If you buy a radio from us and you have an issue, we can help diagnose and troubleshoot the issue.  We will not just pass you on to the manufacturer.  Most of the time, we are able to diagnose and fix this problem over the phone or at least guide you in a direction to isolate the problem.  Of course, there will be instances where we have to defer to the manufacturer because unfortunately, like every product in the world, defects do happen.  If you buy a Custom Autosound radio from us, we will do everything that we can to make sure you are happy.
  4. Customers are frustrated and just get online to rant and bash before contacting anyone about the issue
  5. This is one of the reasons that direct-fit, classic car radios have negative reviews online. These vehicles are old, many of them over 50 years old. The wiring has usually been modified in some way or another over the years, and the car has usually been customized at some point, in some manner or another. Old cars, shake, vibrate, and squeak. Depending on how the radio was wired (you'd be surprised at some of the stuff we see and hear about), things can come loose and you can lose power and/or sound. Give us a call! We are more than happy to listen to the problem and help you diagnose the issue. If something has gone wrong, the radio is covered by a warranty. If you call us we can help you out. I can't recall a single customer that has ever bought a Custom Autosound radio from Classic Car Stereos and has taken the time to try to troubleshoot the issue, that has ever been stuck with a dead and broken radio.   This is sets us apart from most other catalog houses or vehicle specific shops. We are customers too and we buy stuff, and every once in awhile, stuff breaks because that is the way the world works. So we understand where you are coming from. However, we do not have ESP. If you have an issue, give us a call or shoot us an email. We will get back to you and help you out.

So when reading Custom Autosound reviews on other sites out there, please understand items 2 and 3 listed above. Both instances are likely due to the fact that the customer was not able to talk to anyone, or at least anyone that could understand their issue, and provide a plan to fix it. The Custom Autosound radios are backed by a 2 year warranty. If you purchase a radio and 3 months in, something goes wrong, please pick up the phone and call or email us. We will gladly help you warranty the radio.  

**Please Note: Classic Car Stereos will not pay for any 3rd party charges. Unfortunately, we do not control the labor rates, costs, or the skill of the shop or company performing the installation. We have received radios back that were "professionally" installed that work perfectly fine when bench tested, directly to a battery.  The shop either didn't know what they were doing, or they were just trying to sell a DIN sized unit to the customer to make a couple bucks while hacking up the dash and de-valuing the vehicle by a grand.

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